Published Jan 13, 2016
Updated Apr 27, 2017
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Lovely people, the “Here’s What’s Up” post for the week is coming late. I apologise. I’m so tired that I am typing this from my phone while lying down. Thank God for technology! How is the year unfolding for you? It’s been hectic for me but it’s all good.
I now drive my daughter to and from school and that’s not a cup of Ovaltine. Imagine handling three kids everyday in the snow and biting cold… Plus I have to keep up with appointments and other things… all in the cold. I hate this cold!
Over the weekend we went to the Children’s Museum so the girls could have fun. They had the time of their lives. Some pics below-

Little things like this outing make kids happy. I’m glad we could put smiles on their faces.
In other news, I have started working out. Praaaaaise the Lord!!! I have procastinated my decision to exercise regularly for so long so this is a giant step for me. I started with the older girls so we could encourage each other and have fun. We followed a You Tube video… it was so much fun! I also made my first veggie-packed smoothie. I’m really aiming at living healthy and teaching my kids to do same. I do not want my body to get tired when I haven’t accomplished my purpose on earth.
Meanwhile, in church, we learned about dealing with the elephant in the family room. We were admonished to identify elephants (problems) in our families and deal with them. God wants us to have strong and healthy families.
Well, that’s what’s up!