How to Attract the Right Man Part 2
Published Feb 17, 2014
Updated Jun 13, 2024
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By the time you are done reading this, you will certainly be a better woman! If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at Read the full article by clicking here: How to Attract the Right Man Part 2.
I hope you all are doing great. Now that the dust has settled after Valentine’s day, let us go to the second part of how to get your valentine for life. If you missed the first part, read it HERE
To get the right man, you need to have the right physical appearance. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. Before a man approaches you to start wooing you, it is your outward look that pulls him. Remember, William Shakespeare said, “Dress maketh a man.” Your dressing speaks volumes about you. You cannot be desiring to get married and you are dressing like a grand mother and carrying hairdos that multiply your age. Worse still, you can not be desiring a godly man and you are exposing your boobs and other parts of your body that should be covered. When you dress this way, men looking at you will see a “whore” and not a “wife”. Girl, if you want the right man, you should look the part. This does not mean spending a fortune on your looks. Spend moderately and look good. If you are not the type that knows how to put up a pleasing to look at appearance, learn from others who know how to. It is the way you look that will likely pull a man to take that first step.
To get the right man, you need to be the right woman! You need to understand your place in your husband-to-be’s life. You are to be his suitable help-meet. You are there to help him to be the best he can be. If he gets a house, you should be able to turn it into a home. In the kitchen, do not just cook, be a chef! One of the things a man loved about courting his fiance was that she always had delicious cakes for him to eat. So he married her and looked forward to getting more of such cakes. When they got married, his wife was not giving him any cakes as he had wanted. So one day he asked her to make him some cakes and to his dismay, she replied, “Emmanuella was the one making the cakes!” So actually it was her friend Emmanuella’s baking skill that had attracted her husband. Needless to say the man was so disapointed. The popular African adage that says, “the road to a man’s heart is through his stomach” really works ooo. Learn how to cook various meals and even intercontinental dishes. Do not just decorate your house or wherever you live now, do it as an interior decor professional. Practice how to be a wife because practice indeed makes perfect. You should be a complete package with excellence written all over you.
To get the right man, you should be a purpose driven woman. What are you doing with your life??? Are you the kind of woman that sleeps and farts for long hours when you should have been doing something productive? Be up and about. Have a goal and pursue it. When you get married, you will have to take care of a man, children, and your career. So you must learn how to handle all 3. However, do not be too career conscious that you can not find time for other things. Strike a balance!
Now let me get to the most important quality that every woman that seeks a Godly husband should possess:-
To get a Godly man, you should be a God-fearing woman. Proverbs 31: 30 says that charm deceives and beauty fades away but a woman that fears the Lord shall be praised! It doesn’t matter if you are flawlessly “buriful”. One day that striking beauty will become less striking. I know a lady that was so beautiful outwardly but lacked godly character. Men will come to her but they will run away. You should have what pulls and also what keeps. You should possess the invaluable quality of being a lady that loves the Lord. Let the Lord be your priority. Seek first His kingdom in all you do and a Mr. that has the same values will definitely come your way.
Who you are, determines who you will attract. If you have tried everything I have said about how to attract the right man and you haven;t had the right man yet, probably your time to marry is yet to come. It does not matter if all your classmates are now married with kids. When it is the right time, the time is right and God’s time is the best!
Awesome post, true saying ‘the way to a mans heart is through the stomach!’ I’d sure put things in place to ensure I look good and right for the man I want to attract.
It sure will. Thanks for stopping by, Uthman!
Nice write up… This would be useful for singles to handle their relationship…
Coming soon, my dear…
Still waiting for the types of hunger….