3inchesfresh ginger rootpeeled and sliced into quarter-inch slices
2Tablespoonsnjangsa seeds
2teaspoonswhole white peppersubstitute with one teaspoon of ground white pepper
1medium onioncut into quarters
3red jalapenos or cayenne pepperoptional
1habanero pepperor scotch bonnet
1roma tomato
1teaspoonsaltor to taste
3SMALL Maggi seasoning cubes4g cubes**
2Tablespoonspepper soup spicesobtainable from African markets
¼aidan fruitobtainable from African markets
3sprigsThai basilsub with Italian basil
Boiled African white yams, plantains, potatoes, or rice for serving.
Clean the fish. Add the catfish steaks to a large bowl. Sprinkle on a tablespoon of salt. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the lemon juice all over the fish. Using the lemon halves like a sponge and the salt as an abrasive, scrub the flesh of the catfish steaks to remove any slime. Rinse the fish three times with cool water and add to a large pot.
Blend the spices. Add garlic, ginger njangsa seeds, white pepper, and about half a cup of water to a blender. Blend into a smooth paste and add to the pot with the fish.
To the same blender, add the onions, peppers and tomatoes with some water, then blend into a coarse blend for some texture. Add the blend to the pot.
Add the salt, Maggi seasoning cubes (or bouillon powder, and pepper soup spices. Rinse the blender with about 4 to 6 cups of water and add to the pot. Add the aidan fruit whole.
Turn on the heat to high and bring the pot to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium-high and let it simmer until the fish is done, about 15 to 20 minutes. To avoid breaking the fish, avoid stirring the pot as it cooks. Instead, lightly shake the pot from side to side and spoon some of the sauce over the fish.
Thinly slice the leaves of the Thai basil and add to the pot. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
Serve hot with boiled African white yams, plantains, potatoes, or rice.
*For easy prep time, have your fishmonger clean and gut the fish for you.
**Maggi has salt, so make sure you use small cubes. If you use larger bouillon cubes, you only need one. Substitute the seasoning cubes with 3 teaspoons of chicken or beef bouillon powder.